Computer timer clock
Computer timer clock


To do that you’ll need to add an external component – a “real time clock”. But you can’t get the time of day or date from them. You can use the above functions to insert time delays or measure elapsed time.

  • The micros function, like the millis function, except it measures the time the Arduino has been running in microseconds.
  • The millis function, which counts the elapsed milliseconds since the Arduino was powered up or reset.
  • The delayMicroseconds function which is like the delay function except you specify the time in microseconds.
  • The delay function, which can delay program execution for a specified number of milliseconds.
  • There are several time-related functions you can use when programming an Arduino: If you want to use this app frequently, you can pin this app to the taskbar for quick access.But there is one thing an Arduino cannot do – it can’t tell the time. Note: You will see notifications regarding “Alarms & Clock” app in the notification area of your taskbar. You can also record laps by clicking the broken circle button on the left of the play button. To set the stopwatch, navigate to stopwatch screen and click the play button.


    To make Windows 10 a multi-device operating system, Microsoft has added a neat stopwatch feature to this application.

    computer timer clock


    Use the same plus button, and set more than one timer at the same time. You don’t need to wait for one timer to expire to set another.

    computer timer clock

    Just navigate to “Timer” page, set the name and time, and click the play button. The timer is another nice addition to Windows “Alarms & Clock” app. To compare times of other location, click the “Compare” icon and use the slider to compare. Type the name of the location in the text box, and you will see matching location below. Navigate to the “ World clock” tab in the “Alarms & Clock” app.Ĭlick on the plus (+) sign in the bottom right corner of the screen. To set world clocks, do the following steps. When configured, world clocks will appear when you click date and time in the notification area at the bottom-right corner of your screen. The world clock is a useful new feature in this app.


    Note: Windows 10 alarm will not work if the PC is turned off. However, if you have changed your mind, you can click the delete icon to trash this alarm. You cannot set any other sound or song of choice as your alarm sound. You can also set snooze time on this setting screen. When you are happy with the customization, click the save icon to save your new alarm. However, Windows 10 allows you to set your alarm sound from a predefined set only. You can set it to “Only once” or repeat it on specific days of the week. You can also set the alarm sound. To set an alarm, you can either turn on and modify an existing alarm or create a new one by clicking the plus (+) sign in the bottom-right corner. Start customizing your alarm by giving it an appropriate name. Below “alarm name” field, you can set hour, minute and AM/PM. Below time setting, you can set the repeat mode. In Windows 10 search, type “ Alarm” to search for the “ Alarms & Clock” app. Please follow the simple procedure below to set an alarm in Windows 10. Try it, and you will find it useful and handy while working on your Windows 10 computer. So, Microsoft did a makeover and added a “World Clock” feature making it more useful. Actually, the app was introduced in Windows 8, however, it did not receive a lot of user appreciation. Fortunately, you can set an alarm with the handy “Alarms & Clock” app in Windows 10. However, if you are working on your computer, it is more convenient to set your alarm on your computer, instead of your phone. Do you want to set an alarm? If you are a smartphone owner, your have probably replaced your alarm clock with your smartphone already.

    Computer timer clock